Top 20 educational assets
Education Rank
- polubis 6 months ago
Consider using type imports in TypeScript
The import "type" syntax is currently a standard in most project generators. It's good to know the benefits this syntax offers. Let's dive in
typescript, javascript, performance, optimization, daily-development, firebase, maintenance, bundlers
194621 - polubis 4 months ago
Everything about barrel exports in JavaScript
Barrel exports are a common pattern in web development for organizing imports. Let’s explore their pros and cons to understand them better
performance, patterns, barrel-exports, webpack, bundlers
181320 - polubis 9 months ago
Mapped types in TypeScript
Discover how mapped types in TypeScript can revolutionize your coding by allowing flexible transformations and validations of type properties
typescript, javascript, mapped-types, type-definitions, type-safety
80400 - polubis 9 months ago
All about JavaScript promises
We'll explore JavaScript Promises, covering their theory, APIs, useful methods, and tricks to master them efficiently
javascript, typescript, promises, language, syntax, theory, full-guide
70000 - polubis 12 months ago
Tailwind is real game changer
Tailwind has become a true game-changer, accelerating development workflows and fostering a more efficient and enjoyable coding experience. I'll share my point of view why I love this technology
61000 - polubis 5 months ago
Dependency injection does not need to be complex
We'll dive into the most important topics of Dependency Injection and explore concepts like DI Container, DI Tokens, and Hierarchical DI
angular, react, techniques, clean-code, maintenance, quality, stories
41000 - polubis 11 months ago
Uploading images with Firebase and React
We'll check how to validate images and upload them with React, Firebase, and Cloud Functions
react, firebase, cloud, typescript, javascript, storage
41000 - polubis 3 months ago
RxJS Observables Vs Promises In JavaScript: What You Need To Know
We'll explore the differences between Observables and Promises, covering their use cases, historical context, and answering some basic questions
rxjs, observables, reactivity, promises, javascript, typescript, comparison
40100 - polubis 4 months ago
Crafting SOLID and type safe APIs in Node and TypeScript
Guidelines for creating solid architecture, stable codebase, and reliable backend APIs for cloud or on-premise solutions
solid, backend, patterns, architecture, google-cloud, aws, micro-services, typescript, node
40100 - polubis about 1 year ago
Understanding Repository Pattern in NodeJS and TypeScript
Unlock the power of the Repository Pattern in Node.js and TypeScript. Gain a deep understanding for efficient data management. Optimize your backend development
40100 - polubis 5 months ago
Creating own state manager for React
Let's try to implement our state manager. It will be similar to Zustand, with some changes. All done to understand the useSyncExternalStore hook
react, zustand, state-management, practice, typescript, advanced, hooks
30000 - polubis 6 months ago
Putting users first in web development
Let’s dive into some mythical clean code buzzwords, disregarding user needs and pushing refactors that make the application more fragile in the long run
tech-dept, maintenance, react, stories, soft, lightweight, thoughts
30000 - greenonsoftware 2 months ago
Exhaustiveness checking and discriminant property: the complete guide
We'll fully understand exhaustiveness checking and discriminant properties, commonly used in the TypeScript world, along with their use cases, pros, and cons
react, typescript, patterns, techniques, clean-code, code-quality
20100 - polubis 5 months ago
Searching for the Holy Grail in validation world
We'll compare the top 5 validation libraries that are used by the community, and try to determine which one is the best for developers and users
zod, joi, yup, class-validator, superstruct, validation, libraries, comparison
20100 - polubis 8 months ago
Dealing with property is not matching index signature
Let's solve common error: "Property is not matching index signature". We'll learn how to create type definitions for complex objects
typescript, techniques, type-definitions, common-problems
10200 - swistak-codes about 1 month ago
Measuring Execution Time
Learn to measure execution time effectively, from profilers to manual methods, with practical examples in C, Python, JavaScript, and more!
performance, timing, optimization, profilers, javascript, python, c, algorithms, coding, tools
20000 - greenonsoftware about 2 months ago
How to be productive as a software engineer
Complete guide to mastering productivity and quality in your daily work: Eisenhower Matrix and Awakened Day technique with a Feedback Loop
soft-skills, productivity, work-life-balance, time-management
20000 - greenonsoftware 15 days ago
It's Not the Tech Stack—People Are the Real Challenge in IT
Let's explore several stories and try to answer the question: Is the problem with failing projects really the technical stack, or is it people's behavior?
soft-skills, mindset, stories, it, psychology, human-nature
11000 - polubis 7 months ago
Ugly relationship between tuples in TypeScript and JavaScript
Let's check what a tuple really is and how it's possible that it works according to the definition in TypeScript, but not in JavaScript
javascript, typescript, typesafety, type-inference, swift, tuples, data-structures, generics
11000 - polubis 10 months ago
Creating reusable and framework agnostic link component
We'll create a generic Link component. It will work for React-related frameworks. It will enable the same appearance for external and internal navigation
react, patterns, render-slot, typescript, tailwind